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Showing posts 11 to 20 labeled Personal Life (23 total)

Reflections on 2016 and Goals for 2017 (December 26, 2016)

2016 was a big year for Sweetie and me. We had a lot of adventures and went through a lot of "firsts." More »

Cutie Mark Mindset vs. Kung Fu Mindset (October 16, 2016)

A fixed mindset is the belief that people are good at certain things and bad at certain things, and that can't change. People with fixed mindsets believe everyone is born with certain "talents," and succeeding is a matter of "finding what you're good at." One might also call it the Cutie Mark Mindset. More »

Pros and Cons of a Strong Authorial Voice (September 18, 2016)

If done well and purposefully, a strong authorial voice can make a book. But if done badly or accidentally, it can ruin it. More »

Writing without Fear (July 10, 2016)

Two months into our new home in Central Oregon, Sweetie and I feel like we're finally settling down. We've arranged the furniture, made friends with the neighbors, and learned our way around the area. Last week I went shopping without looking up directions first, and I didn't get lost once! More »

New Job, New Home (May 1, 2016)

This blog has been on haitus for a few weeks, and will be for another few weeks, because I'm moving! Tomorrow I start my new job at Central Oregon Community College in Bend. More »

2016 Goals (January 3, 2016)

Last night Sweetie asked me what my 2016 goals are. In general, making New Year's resolutions doesn't work for me because I have a capricious character. If I get a bright idea to accomplish something but don't act on it immediately, I forget about it, or lose interest, or get cold feet. "Tomorrow" or "sometime this year" or "one of these days" usually translates to "never." More »

New Look! (December 6, 2015)

So I redesigned this blog. More »

Fun with Research (August 12, 2015)

While outlining my fantasy trilogy, I've been reading every historical novel in an East Asian setting that I can get my hands on. After I finish each one, I take notes on the Dos and Dont's I've learned from the reading experience. More »

Vacation Days (June 25, 2015)

Before this past Monday, I hadn't blogged, written, jogged, enjoyed a work-free weekend, or slept for an uninterrupted 8 hours for approximately two months. The reason was this, the bane of my existence since January 2014. More »

The Waiting Game (October 3, 2014)

Some people are very bad at playing the waiting game. I am one of those people. More »