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Showing posts 11 to 19 labeled Humor (19 total)

Critics of the Future (October 24, 2012)

I'm usually not one to post random cute videos, but this is just too cute. [] My sentiments exactly, Eleanor. My sentiments exactly. More »

Stories #4 (October 20, 2012)

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Stories #3 (October 6, 2012)

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Stories 2 (July 17, 2012)

A comic. Also, a cat. Hide-And-Go-Seek: You're Doin' It Wrong More »

Titles Out of Context (April 28, 2012)

There's no getting around it: I am terrible at coming up with titles. Other people seem to be able to whip out a fragment of Shakespeare or some obscure poetry at will; I have to wait until I've finished the book and hand it to Sweetie, and then hash it out for hours until we come up with something tolerable. More »

Fun Things for Cynical Writers (April 23, 2012)

First, a limerick: A radical author from Boston Found reviewers would often accost him. He fussed and he railed, But eventually wailed, "Fuck it! I'll rewrite Jane Austen." Second, a link: Everyone is a (One) Star: Some of the best one-star reviews around the Interwebs: "The main character wasn't likeable at all. More »

10 Signs You Should Stop Writing Historical Novels (March 28, 2012)

1. You find yourself making jokes at the expense of President William McKinley. 2. You are irrationally offended by period dramas and movies showing actresses with smooth legs and underarms, because women did not start removing their body hair en masse until after World War I. More »

Stories 1 (January 31, 2012)

When I was in library school, I briefly produced a comic strip called Stacks. I eventually stopped because drawing the strips was absurdly time consuming, and I was busy with other things. Well, now I'm not so busy, but I'm not a librarian-in-training anymore. More »

New Years Kisses (January 1, 2012)

I stumbled into the New Year in an antihistamine haze, zoning out to historical Korean costume dramas with honey lemon ginseng tea and a packet of saltines. I dimly noted the coming of 2012 around 10pm, but forgot about it until Sweetie suddenly came in and planted a big kiss on me for no apparent reason. More »