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Showing posts 21 to 30 (163 total)

Thoughts on the Women's Fiction Label (February 8, 2021)

Let's be honest about what people are thinking when they call a book Women's Fiction: it's bland fluff of inferior quality. More »

Finding Joy in Imperfection and Obscurity (December 31, 2020)

The arts enrich our lives, but they've never enriched our wallets, and they never will. So yes, we must indeed write for personal fulfillment instead of money, or the foolish pursuit of commercial success will poison our art and our sanity. More »

How to Write Nontoxic Conflict in Romance (December 23, 2020)

Common conflicts might not seem melodramatic enough for a romance. They're not shocking like rape scenes. They're not soul-crushing like outrageous misunderstandings, sudden betrayals, or secrets with tragic consequences. But you don't need Big Trauma for Big Drama. More »

Why Authors Should Write Characters from Different Cultures (August 12, 2020)

It's frustrating to see Twitter meekly accept that shelf space for non-white or LGBTQ+ books is limited and fight over who deserves to fill it. More »

Books Are Not Movies (May 21, 2020)

Many authors tend to write as if they're describing a movie or TV show in text. But what would make for an interesting viewing experience makes for a very dull reading experience. More »

Fiction is Not Reality (April 6, 2020)

"Realism" seems to be the favored excuse for bad morals and plain old bad writing. Whenever writers face criticism for writing unethical lessons, racist/sexist stereotypes, or language that needlessly upsets readers, the common response is, "But those things are realistic." More »

Writing Experiences Other Than Your Own (January 1, 2020)

We should all write about people from other cultures. How lame it would be if every fictional world were populated by characters from only one background. But we have a responsibility to write respectfully and well, in a way that makes the real world better. More »

Reflections on the RWA Dumpster Fire (December 28, 2019)

"SJWs," "triggered," "virtue signalling." All of these hot keywords I saw over and over yesterday boil down to one sentiment: racism isn't real. And if it is real, it isn't that bad. And if it is bad, you're just too sensitive. More »

Decade in Review (December 26, 2019)

In January 2010 I was a 21-year-old fresh college graduate looking forward to grad school. Now in December 2019 I'm a 31-year-old homeowner with a solid career and too many hobbies to handle. More »

Let's Stop Making Excuses for Problematic Romances (August 4, 2019)

Minimizing or outright denying the problems in the classics doesn't protect the genre, but hinders it. More »